Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Civil defence movement

ivil defence is incorporated under an act of Parliament in 1968. The motto of civil defence is to protect people, place and property. This organisation is purely a voluntary organisation under the ministry of home affairs. The volunteers are trained to handle all kinds of disaster whether man made or natural calamaties. Civil defence is prevalent all across the globe. The basic qualification to become a volunteer :

1) Above 15 years of age.
2) No criminal record
3) Service minded
4) Willing to dedicate 6 to 8 hours per week.
5) No political leanings or religious bigotism.

Civil defence under the able leadership of our DGP, has launched 33 divisions out of the mandated 51 divisions in Bangalore and two districts of Karnataka. With a total strength of volunteers currently at 5000 plus CD is poised to render yoemen service to the state.


1 Switching of street lights on break of dawn.
2. Helping cops to clear traffic jamsAllowing women, children and senior citizens to cross roads
3. Ecouraging pedestrians to use footpath.
4.Frontal parking of all vehicles.
5.Formation of Q system in all bunks, hospitals, and bus stops.
6.Training people to seek and use garbage bins
7.Saving animals after accidents.
8.CPR and co-ordination with GOVT Hospitals. 8, Allowing free movement of Ambulance.
9.Covering of open drainage or placing warning placardsClearance of broken tree branches.
10 After rainfallCording of areas which has live current wires on road.
11 Helping Railway station Enquiry at the counter, operating kiosks
12 Regulating processions and rallies.
13 Ensuring protection of women……auto travel,etc